Monday 9 January 2012

New Beginnings

Well the holidays have come and gone, and we are now in the new year.  And a new year means New Years resolutions.  Every year we all do it; we make a resolution that we barely manage to keep for a month if we are lucky.

This year however I am hoping that the blog will give me a reason to keep up with my wood working resolutions, and just what night those resolutions be?

First is for this blog: I am hoping to work out a new schedule for blogging.  After a half year of this I am relatively pleased with what I have done, but I can see room for improvement, so for 2012 the plan is to post 4 times a month.  To do this I am going to work on typing up several blogs in advance and post one every week, as such I need to take sometime to prepare some articles so this new schedule will start in February.  Hopefully will see some more sharpening post, maybe what I am working on at school and even my bench build.

Second is to continue to better myself at this wonderful trade.  I do alright with what I do, and not to blow my own horn the people I have worked for have said I do good work, but I do see room for improvement.

I would love to hear about other peoples resolutions.
Happy 2012

Hans Christopher