Tuesday, 22 January 2013

From The Classroom

My Rosewood Bench

Sorry for the delay in this post, I meant for this to come out last week but getting settled and adjusted to the new routine threw me for somewhat of a loop.

I have now completed the first week of the Rosewoood 12 week program.  Week one was all about hand work, specifically hand planes and cutting dovetails.  The first exercise involved making a perfect six square board of poplar, a fun and easy project.

After the board was perfect it was ripped in half to be used as practise for hand cutting dovetails.  Dovetails are a tricky thing to learn by reading a book.  There are so many different ways to cut dovetails that reading about all the different ways can confuse many people.  Cutting dovetails is something I have tried myself to little success, after seeing Ron cut the dovetails and then trying them myself I made huge improvements in my dovetailing.

Up next on the schedule is a pair of Krenov sawhorses.  Stay tuned.

Hans Christopher


  1. Nice looking dovetails there man !!

    1. Thanks Jerry. They look way better in the photo. Ron taught me some great techniques for cuting dovetails.

