Thursday, 9 January 2014

New Years Resolution, One Of Them At Least

I mean this in the most humble way, but I am constantly trying to improve myself; either as a designer, crafts person or human being, and I believe I am very successful at this.  Once I complete something I begin thinking of a way to achieve a better result the next time; maybe I can do the same thing faster, more accurately or for less money.  My father said to me "first do it right, then do it better" when I was starting in the trades, and this simple idea has become a personal motto and a big part of my business model.

New Years is a great time to take stock of one's self and look forward into the New Year.  I am writing about this here because this year one of my resolutions is work related and is as follows: To provide handmade, well designed, well-built and sustainable furniture at an affordable price and enjoy the process of building it.  I hope I can accomplish this.  I truly believe that everyone should be able to afford well made goods, while I simultaneously make a good living.  Maybe I am naive or  maybe I am simply wrong, only time can tell, but I am definitely going to try and maybe even inspire others to do the same.

Hans Christopher

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